COVID-19 Update

COVID19 Update.png

From Mayor Ron Nirenberg


Good evening, San Antonio.

The below totals include 21 positive cases from Sunday.

Our current hospitalization numbers have ticked up a bit from last week.

We're now at 3333 (+22) cases:

- 2332 are from the general public (+4)

- 410 are jail inmates (+0)

- 60 are jail staff (+0)

- 351 (+1) are from other congregate settings

- 180 (+17) remain under investigation

- 2077 individuals have fully recovered, 1156 remain ill

- 96 patients are currently hospitalized, 38 are in the ICU, 23 are on ventilators

~47% of our total cases are folks under 40 years old. Even if you feel fine, please be mindful of how this disease might affect more vulnerable loved ones and neighbors.

Progress warnings & indicators:

We are able to confirm receipt of 76,308 test results in Bexar County.

We are reporting no new deaths today.

Please note: Some cases under investigation from previous days were officially classified today, so the total jump in some categories may be higher than the number in parentheses.



1488 of 4706 staffed beds available, 32%. 96 are being used to fight COVID-19.

553 of 704 ventilators available, 79%. 23 are being used to fight COVID-19.


The live nightly briefings with Judge Wolff will now occur on Tuesdays & Thursdays as we move into our Watch, Expand and Assure phase of COVID-19.

Data will still be updated daily on the COVID-19 website.

Learn more about the next phase here:


If you've been at a demonstration, or even at a store that seemed too crowded, get tested! You don't need symptoms.

Call our hotline at 210-207-5779 to schedule a no-cost diagnostic test.

Monday- Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


We have a COVID-19 Emergency Housing Assistance Program, funded with $25 million from various sources.

Residents seeking assistance should visit: or call 311

Text HousingHelpSA to 41444 to donate to this fund.



San Antonio COVID-19 website:

American Sign Language:

COVID-19 Hotline: 210.207.5779

Text COSAGOV to 55000 for text alerts

Ready South Texas app:


COVID-19 is still in our community.

Wash your hands. Practice physical distancing. Wear a mask. Please be careful if you need to travel to a public space.

Thank you, San Antonio


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