Corporate Partner Membership
Prestigious Corporate Partner designation will be included in the State Website by way of the company logo and link
Corporate Partner Feature on PACCTX State Website
Company logo will also be featured in all major state events
Business and representative featured in “Member’s Highlights” on social media pages
Name, company, website and social media links listed on Region’s website
Priority invitation to all chamber events and access to virtual recorded events from partner chambers across the United States
Participate in all chamber events
Can post on chamber’s FB group page more than once a week (subject to approval)
Can request posting on chamber’s social media pages
Name, company and social media links listed on Region’s website (currently for Regions 1 and 4)
Can vote and be nominated to the Board of Directors
Prestigious Corporate Partner designation will be included in the State Website by way of the company logo and link
Corporate Partner Feature on PACCTX State Website
Company logo will also be featured in all major state events
Business and representative featured in “Member’s Highlights” on social media pages
Name, company, website and social media links listed on Region’s website
Priority invitation to all chamber events and access to virtual recorded events from partner chambers across the United States
Participate in all chamber events
Can post on chamber’s FB group page more than once a week (subject to approval)
Can request posting on chamber’s social media pages
Name, company and social media links listed on Region’s website (currently for Regions 1 and 4)
Can vote and be nominated to the Board of Directors
Prestigious Corporate Partner designation will be included in the State Website by way of the company logo and link
Corporate Partner Feature on PACCTX State Website
Company logo will also be featured in all major state events
Business and representative featured in “Member’s Highlights” on social media pages
Name, company, website and social media links listed on Region’s website
Priority invitation to all chamber events and access to virtual recorded events from partner chambers across the United States
Participate in all chamber events
Can post on chamber’s FB group page more than once a week (subject to approval)
Can request posting on chamber’s social media pages
Name, company and social media links listed on Region’s website (currently for Regions 1 and 4)
Can vote and be nominated to the Board of Directors